Manufacturing High Quality Blind Systems for over 30 years

Each and every window covering we manufacture is made from high quality materials by our talented team, assuring durability and long-lasting performance.

You will receive premium window coverings that adhere to the highest industry standards thanks to our attention to detail and dedication to quality.

Contact Us


01698 351 888

61 Canyon Road
Excelsior Business Park

All Blinds Under One Account

Discover the convenience of having all your blind needs met under one brand. At Rainbow Blinds, we offer a comprehensive range of blinds that caters to every style, function, and budget.

From classic Roller blinds to sleek Venetian blinds, from elegant Roman blinds to versatile Vertical blinds, we have it all and we do it all for you.

Excellent Customer Service

At Rainbow Blinds, we take great pleasure in providing outstanding customer service that goes above and beyond expectations. We think that the foundation of any flourishing company is providing great customer service. We are committed to giving you a unique and satisfying experience from the minute you contact us.

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